Remember to pay attention to your dreams, because God speaks volumes in our dreams.
(You can download a Chart here to pray for the healing of your soul and body for every separate situation that the Lord brings to mind). Print it out and keep it handy to journal in two-way communication with the Lord.
1. Find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed, putting on some soft worship music
and focus your mind on the Lord in worship, thanking Him for being your Healer,
Restorer and Deliverer. Thank Him for the power of His blood that is going to heal you and set
you free.
Bring the
situation that Holy Spirit highlighted before the Lord, asking Him to heal your
soul wounds, your memory and your bodily ailments and to deliver you from all
oppression in the spirit realm.
2. Going back into the scene of the trauma. (Traumatic
events leave detailed pictures in our memory).
Know that Jesus is always with you, asking the Lord to show you where He
was in the scene at the time. Look to see what He is doing and listen to what He is saying as you view the scene.
I prayed for
a young lady who suffered great anxiety and paranoia after walking into her
mother’s bedroom at the exact moment when a burglar stepped through the window.
She was terrified and her screams brought her father and husband on the scene
which caused the burglar to flee.
As she looked
to see where Jesus was in the scene, she saw Him standing between her and the
burglar, shielding her. When the burglar
fled, He held her and comforted her, assuring her that He is always with her
and that she needn’t be afraid. She was completely set free of fear just by
seeing what Jesus was doing, receiving the picture of truth that replaced the
lie of fear and receiving His Word of peace and assurance that He is with her.
3. As you relive the
scene, let the love and forgiveness of
Jesus flow through you to those who wounded you in any way. Choose to forgive them by name for what they
have done to you and said to you. Also name your reproaches against them and
release them one by one.
and repentance are your keys to freedom!
If you have sinned against the Lord, ask
Him to forgive you and then forgive yourself, because He died for you and paid
for all your sin with His precious blood.
the Lord how you felt (all the negative emotions) and repent of any sinful
actions or responses, asking the Lord to forgive you.
the Blood of Jesus to the sin committed against you and any sin you have
committed, together with unrighteous reactions, attitudes and words.
the people involved (including yourself), choosing not to remember the sin
anymore (because God remembers your sin no more). Trust God that His Word is
true and that He forgave you as you have forgiven all those who trespassed
against you. He also cleansed you from all unrighteousness.
Now choose to bless all people involved in
your hurt, releasing them fully.
4. Ask the Lord, the Sun of Righteousness to shine upon you.
Ask Him to spread His healing wings over your soul and body
reviving you with His dunamis (resurrection power).
Ask Him to spread His healing wings over your soul and body
reviving you with His dunamis (resurrection power).
into His glory light and see that all darkness has left you.
your hand on your head,
repent of any sinful things I have looked at and negative and sinful thoughts
that I have entertained or sinful pictures I have imagined.
I apply the blood of Jesus onto the
gates of my mind.
I ask the Lord to wash your memory, imagination,
consciousness and sub-conscious mind, intellect and understanding with His precious blood, removing all the negative
effects of trauma.
I declare that every gate in my mind,
will and emotions is opened up for the King of Glory to come in, flooding
me with His light.
I am
delivered and set free from all effects of my sin, the sins of others and those
of my forefathers that have blocked the gates of my soul to receive the light
of God’s glory.
declare that my mind is set on the new picture that the Lord has given me of
what He has done in this situation.
declare that my emotions are set free from all oppression regarding this event
and that my will is set on doing His will, performing His Word
every demonic attachment through negative emotions like
rejection (spirit of fear), bitterness (spirit of bondage), anger
(spirit of jealousy), depression (spirit of heaviness), sickness
or disease (spirit of infirmity), etc.
Command every evil spirit to leave you in the name of Jesus
rejection (spirit of fear), bitterness (spirit of bondage), anger
(spirit of jealousy), depression (spirit of heaviness), sickness
or disease (spirit of infirmity), etc.
Command every evil spirit to leave you in the name of Jesus
yourself to God, resist the devil and he will flee from you.”
James 4:7
might experience deep sighs, burps or yawns as these spirits are leaving. Keep breathing deeply until your whole being
is experiencing God’s peace. You might
feel laughter welling up in you as you are delivered of the oppression of all
the trauma and you will feel light and relieved.
6. Now affirm your freedom and choose to keep the new
picture of wholeness before your eyes and in your mouth.
Refuse to look at the old picture again, taking every thought
captive in obedience to Christ.
picture of wholeness before your eyes and in your mouth.
Refuse to look at the old picture again, taking every thought
captive in obedience to Christ.
GRACE, rising up in the resurrection power of the Holy Ghost,
asking Him to fill you with His Presence.
GRACE, rising up in the resurrection power of the Holy Ghost,
asking Him to fill you with His Presence.
8. DECLARE that your soul is healed of all trauma and that
you walk in the light of God’s glory.
you walk in the light of God’s glory.
Removing Stress from the Adrenal Gland, Receiving
Healing on Cellular level.
Command the chemical balances in your cells and the
electrical frequencies to come in divine alignment.
Ask the Lord to remove all stress regarding the trauma from your adrenal gland, as well as resulting toxins in your body, by the blood of Jesus.
Now lay your hand on any body part where there is pain or discomfort, trusting the Lord to heal and restore you on the cellular level.
Keep watching and listening to what Jesus is doing and saying.
Pray into what He is revealing to you through pictures or spontaneous thoughts coming to you.
Many years ago the Lord revealed to me through a Word of Knowledge that a curse of bitterness was the cause of a torn cartilage in my knee. After I have forgiven the person and breaking the curse in the name of Jesus, I received a miracle when God’s power went through my whole left side like electricity.
After that it seemed like people with knee problems were drawn to me and in many cases, as I broke the curse of bitterness over them, asking them to forgive anyone who has spoken curses over them, they were healed. Sometimes the cause was anger or resentment, etc.
It is important to turn your back on the past, choosing to remember it
no more.
If a thought about this particular trauma should come up again, accompanying negative emotions, simply praise the
Lord for having set you free and washed you with the blood.
Sometimes forgiveness has not worked through thoroughly. In that case work through the trauma again on a deeper level in the area where there is still turbulence. Be persistent and determined to press in for total freedom.
Sometimes forgiveness has not worked through thoroughly. In that case work through the trauma again on a deeper level in the area where there is still turbulence. Be persistent and determined to press in for total freedom.
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