Thursday, June 14, 2018

The Garden of Your Heart

Lesson 20

A Word by Brian and Julie Price

I believe many of you desperately long to find WHERE you are in YOUR PROCESS. The ANSWER LIES in what God is doing IN YOU. It’s FOUND in the GARDEN of your heart.

              Many feel as though nearly EVERYTHING has been TAKEN from them; not just the weeds, but plants that seemed to produce a harvest were RIPPED AWAY from you, root and all, and tossed aside.

WHAT could the Holy Spirit, who tends to our garden’s with us, be doing? It’s as if He left the gate open and the enemy came in and took everything. NOT SO! The Lord is doing a deep work in you. The health of your soil, the garden of your heart, is KEY.


So what makes fertile soil? Fertile soil comes from BROKEN DOWN and DECOMPOSED matter. THEN- it can release new energy; bringing new life, that produces a harvest like never before! Fertile soil has the ability to supply essential plant nutrients and water in adequate amounts and proportions for plant growth and reproduction; as well as REMOVING TOXIC SUBSTANCES; which INHIBITS PLANT GROWTH! Sufficient soil DEPTH for adequate ROOT GROWTH and WATER RETENTION are a result of cultivating FERTILE SOIL.

Can’t you hear it? He uses EVERYTHING! If you ALLOW Him to tend to your garden, if you will just SURRENDER FULLY to Him already; allowing Him to do this deep work, He will take those things that nearly broke you, even the dead and decomposed things that you have rendered useless, and He will use it for HIS GLORY!

You’re being readied for your ROOTS to go down DEEP! You will live from a deep, intimate place with Holy Spirit. From this place, the water of His presence REMAINS.

You now retain and live from the water of His presence! You’re beyond the goosebumps and waves of His power. You’re living from His deep, abiding presence, because your heart has been readied for it. Your soil is now fertile!

The garden of your heart is in amazing season with the Holy Spirit. It may look lifeless in this resting season, but it’s far from it! You are being prepared for the long haul, that will bring a large and lasting harvest for Him. It will reproduce a healthy reflection of Him in the earth, many times over!

He’s tending your soil; pulling weeds and permeating the soil of your heart with His presence is a new and powerful way. Those things that have broken you down, all the decomposed stuff in your life that seems fruitless and pointless to you, yeah, that stuff. It’s actually being used by God to make your heart, your soil, more fertile than ever before. All the impurities, even those toxic alignments you thought were of Him, ANYTHING that was CONTAMINATING YOUR HEART, and affecting YOUR GROWTH, HAD TO GO!

But know this…

What grows from this place in the days to come, will be some of the most powerful encounters with Holy Spirit; producing a lasting, pure harvest for His reaping.

BUT YOU MUST PROTECT the good things growing in your heart!

The Lord compares your heart to a garden in Jeremiah 31:12, “…Your life will be like a watered garden, and all their sorrows will be gone…” In one parable, Jesus says your heart is like soil; if you plant the right seeds, you will bring forth good fruit-some thirty, some sixty, and some a hundredfold (Matt. 13:23).

The seed is always the same. The seed is Him. It’s His Word. But it’s the condition of your heart that determines how much you produce! Some hearts are hard, stony ground. Some are shallow and look good for a little while, but don’t last. In Matthew 15:13, Jesus says, “…Every plant which My heavenly Father has not planted will be uprooted.”

Your goal should be for the garden of your heart to be so healthy that it can grow even more fruit! NOT TO BE SEEN, but to be REVEALED. He longs for His people to reflect Him rightly and purely in the earth.

DON’T RUSH THE PROCESS! He’s making you into fertile soil! This soil will produce good results. Your life will bring much glory to God!

We are to GUARD our hearts from old thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, as well as, toxic people and things, and so much more! Proverbs 4:23 says, “Keep [or guard] your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life.”

You may not feel like it now because of where you are in the process, but soon you will say, IT WAS WORTH IT!

With love and hope,
~ Brian and Julie Price

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